Who said winter is a sad season?

It is cold, that’s true, but it is also an ideal time for winter sports or to be cosy at home with some delicious warming recipes.

Winter is normally the time when respiratory disorders are more common and frequent. We tend to exercise less and drink less water, a smaller variety of fruits is available, and we are exposed to contrasting temperatures. All of this inevitably results in weaker immune defenses. That’s why it is not only good but also convenient to look through our routines at this time of the year.

Check out these tips!

1. Hydrate your body

Drink at least two litres of water a day to conserve mucosal moisture and protect against microorganisms.

2. Seasonal foods

Make the most of seasonal foods and include them in your daily meals. Citrus fruits are an excellent source of vitamin C; garlic helps decongest the respiratory tract; pulses are a very complete food because they provide carbohydrates, proteins and fibre; cabbage contains different components that are considered to be anti-cancer; and the artichoke, for instance, is a purifying seasonal vegetable, which can be ideal after Christmas, especially if we had a bit too much to eat and drink!

3. Take care of your skin

Especially face and hands, by using non-greasy moisturizer and lip balm. It is not advisable to moisten your lips with saliva if they are chapped, because they will irritate and dry out even more.

4. Good environment

Both at home and at work, try not to put the heating on full, since excessive heat dries out our nostrils and stops them from acting as barriers against germs. At home, air rooms and avoid tobacco smoke, the respiratory system’s worst enemy. It is also important to get out of polluted areas. Whenever you can, escape from the urban areas and enjoy nature, where you will be able to breathe better thanks to the pure air.

5. Cover yourself up

Try to wear wind and water resistant clothes and use several layers of light and warm clothing. Generally, three layers are recommended: the first one, in contact with the skin, should be made of breathable tissue which maintains our body temperature; a second layer that stabilizes the temperature, and a third (jacket) that prevents heat loss.

6. Breathe through your nose

Since it acts as a defensive barrier that cleanses, heats and humidifies the air before it goes into your lungs.

7. Keep moving

The cold shouldn’t stop you, so if you feel lazy about exercising outdoors, sign up for the gym or alternatively, take advantage of the day to day opportunities to move and exercise your body. Also, think of the amount of winter sports you can take on. The important thing is to keep moving and be active!

8. Prevent the transmission of colds and flu

Wash your hands, use tissues and throw away, avoid closed environments and being close to sick people. Oh, and don’t smoke!

9. Cheer up!

Having a good rest, avoiding stress, spending time with friends and family, surrounding yourself with positive people… can really help in boosting our spirits as well as in having a better mood.

10. Sauna and a massage, why not?

The high temperature of the sauna, above 80°C, is tolerable thanks to its very low humidity. It eliminates toxins and increases our defenses, plus it helps relaxation and a good sleep. Any type of therapeutic massage relaxes the muscles and discharges body tension. Since it is a pleasant activity, it releases serotonin and dopamine, which positively affects our mood. It also relieves back and joint pain.